In February 1945, an American submarine Commander receives an order to hunt Japanese submarines assigned to secretly evacuating VIPs from the Philippines. Their job to send fellow submariners to the ocean floor sparks a battle of tactics, stealth and risk that would set a record for the U.S. Navy in World War II.
Torpedo Crew Member onboard USS Batfish waits for instructions during an attack against a Japanese submarine.. (Dramatic Recreation) Matt Kervin
Torpedo Crew Member onboard USS Batfish waits for instructions during an attack against a Japanese submarine.. (Dramatic Recreation) Matt Kervin
As USS Batfish prowls at periscopt depth, Lt. Commander John Fyfe prepares to attack an enemy target. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Gavin Seny, Marck Kislevach, Trey O'Brien
As USS Batfish prowls at periscopt depth, Lt. Commander John Fyfe prepares to attack an enemy target. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Gavin Seny, Marck Kislevach, Trey O'Brien
The crew of USS Batfish look ready to surface the submarine and attack an enemy target. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Matthew Alan Porter, Ezekiel Kinney
The crew of USS Batfish look ready to surface the submarine and attack an enemy target. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Matthew Alan Porter, Ezekiel Kinney
Torpedo Crew onboard USS Batfish attempts to eject a hot run torpedo. (Dramatic Recreation) Alexander Clark
Torpedo Crew onboard USS Batfish attempts to eject a hot run torpedo. (Dramatic Recreation) Alexander Clark
Commander John K Fyfe reviews intelligence information about a Japanese submarine operating nearby. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Marck Kislevach, Caleb Pratt, Trey O'Brien
Commander John K Fyfe reviews intelligence information about a Japanese submarine operating nearby. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Marck Kislevach, Caleb Pratt, Trey O'Brien
Commander John Fyfe listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Trey O'Brien, Marck Kislevach
Commander John Fyfe listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Trey O'Brien, Marck Kislevach
Torpedo Crew onboard USS Batfish attempt to manuever a torpedo back into the firing tube after it fails to eject. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Matt Kervin, Ezekiel Kinney
Torpedo Crew onboard USS Batfish attempt to manuever a torpedo back into the firing tube after it fails to eject. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Matt Kervin, Ezekiel Kinney
Lt Commander John Fyfe and the crew of USS Batfish prepare for an attack on an Enemy Tanker. (Dramatic Recreation) Trey O'Brien
Lt Commander John Fyfe and the crew of USS Batfish prepare for an attack on an Enemy Tanker. (Dramatic Recreation) Trey O'Brien
In the forward torpedo room, crewmembers attempt to tighten a hatch damged during a depth charge attack to prevent USS Batfish from flooding. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Ezekiel Kinney, Andrew Leemon
In the forward torpedo room, crewmembers attempt to tighten a hatch damged during a depth charge attack to prevent USS Batfish from flooding. (Dramatic Recreation) (L-R) Ezekiel Kinney, Andrew Leemon
When a Japanese lookout spots USS Batfish, the Q-ship alters course. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Alex Law, Gabriel Prevost, Jason Kim
When a Japanese lookout spots USS Batfish, the Q-ship alters course. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Alex Law, Gabriel Prevost, Jason Kim
The Executive Officer on board USS Batfish, listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Marck Kislevach
The Executive Officer on board USS Batfish, listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Marck Kislevach
USS Batfish's deck gunners prepare to open fire on a Japanese tanker. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Nicholas Stevenson, Andrew Leemon, Caleb Pratt
USS Batfish's deck gunners prepare to open fire on a Japanese tanker. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Nicholas Stevenson, Andrew Leemon, Caleb Pratt
When a Japanese lookout spots USS Batfish, the Q-ship alters course. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Alex Law, Gabriel Prevost, Jason Kim
When a Japanese lookout spots USS Batfish, the Q-ship alters course. (Dramatic Recreation) L-R: Alex Law, Gabriel Prevost, Jason Kim
The Executive Officer on board USS Batfish, listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Marck Kislevach
The Executive Officer on board USS Batfish, listens intently as a "friendly" American torpedo passes overhead. (Dramatic Recreation) Marck Kislevach